Excited! Interview with Dating Advice
I was asked a couple of weeks ago if I would do an interview with datingadvice.com. I was delighted and this past weekend the interview...
4 Self-care Tips for Finding Yourself Again After Abuse.
Finding the courage to leave a relationship takes a lot of strength. To suddenly walk a different road, take a new path, a new journey, but
A Way to Create a Brighter Tomorrow from Domestic Violence.
Long summer days are sadly finally over. To be honest, I’m relieved, it was so hot here in New York. They always say New York has two season
Sexual Assault and the Statute of Limitations
It’s that time of year again, October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Each year here in the US many people organise events to help...
Putting Domestic Violence in Pictures
Search “domestic violence” in the book section of Amazon.com and you’ll find more than 40,000 options to add to your reading list. Not...
Is Being Mindful Hermetically Magic? The Power Within.
When I was growing up I would hear people say “ What was old is new again.” As a child it really didn’t make sense to me, sometimes we...
When You Can't Give a Child a Gift of Safety
I want to share with you about my daughter’s and how they have experienced abuse from her father. I got out and reached higher ground,...
Are you Worthy?
We ask ourselves many questions through the day, am I right or wrong? Do I like…? Am I good? Capable? Strong, the list can be endless but...
Healing through Mindfulness
A little while ago I stumbled on an article about Mindfulness. I had seen the topic been raised quite a lot recently and kept dismissing...
4 Steps to Freedom from Domestic Violence
I am always overjoyed when people want to give their advice from personal experience. Julie Federico has written wonderful books for...