The confessions of… me
When I started to write this blog, it was on Wordpress, I have to say I was a little nervous. The experience though has changed me, I...

Warning signs to look for after you have ended the relationship.
Today I am writing about relationships. We have all had good and bad relationships. The good ones will hopefully result in a happy,...

Abused Men: When relationships turn bad
When the words “Domestic violence” orDomestic abuse” are raised in a conversation, what do you think? Oh poor woman, right? Not always...

Sexual assault in relationships
Do you know what sexual assault really is? Do you know how to define it? For a long while I didn’t. Did it mean someone gave me a quick...

Interview with Ann Moulds for Action Scotland Against Stalking
Today, I feel very humbled and honored to interview Ann Moulds about her charity in which she set up in Scotland to help survivors of...