Goodbye Wordpress, My Old Friend
Today I say I fond farewell to my Wordpress blog, it is a bitter sweet day. I started my journey towards healing in 2005, at my table in...

Are you free to have Coffee with Claire?
I have been talking to people for years now about Domestic Violence, abuse, and stalking. I have shared stories with other survivors,...

25 Anxiety, Stress & PTSD Issues Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can help you with.
A few years ago I worked in finance, it was driven and highly stressful, it was like being on a constant adrenaline rush, but slowly I...

PTSD & Turmeric, the healthy antidepressants?
Being British, there is nothing more we love than a good old curry. The thought of it brings feelings of warmth, cosy, comfort food. We...

This has been an intense week, but I'm not complaining!
This has been an intense week, but I'm not complaining! First of all, I would like to announce that Rekindle your Inner Sparkle is now in...

Rekindle Your Inner Sparkle eBook Launches today
Today is launch day of Rekindle Your Inner Sparkle. It's so exciting! I was asked by several people of how I had found ways to heal from...

Freedom Talk Radio with Andy Peacher
I was delighted to be invited to discuss Rekindle Your Inner Sparkle with Andy Peacher and Ruby Akhtar. We talked for two hours about...

The confessions of… me
When I started to write this blog, it was on Wordpress, I have to say I was a little nervous. The experience though has changed me, I...

Rape Trauma Syndrome; There is light at the end of the tunnel
I have thought about writing this post for a little while, I have learned about Rape Trauma Syndrome and could have approached in a way...